Juergen R. Schreiter #Entrepreneur · #LocationScout · #TripAdvisior

You want to help?
You can donate aid material, used clothes (winter and summer gear), shoes, toys directly to me or ship it to my business address (see below) – I will make regular care packages to those countries or will bring all goods along on my trips.

Shipping address, Germany:
Burgfriedenstrasse 17
D-60489 Frankfurt am Main

You want to donate?
If you want to donate money, please contact me directly by Email.
In this case you receive all bank details for your donation.

Our sponsoring projects:
All charity projects in Asia and Russia
EASTmedia-online – Stock Images / Stock Photography
Pixel Gallery, Frankfurt
Cannibal Couture Clubwear

Wanna be a sponsor?
Further information about charity and sponsoring projects, please contact my agency in Frankfurt.
http://www.Der-Event-Manager.de or http://www.Digitale-Produktion.de