2061.Club News Only a bit over 45 years until Celebration of the Century kicks off. Your Century Founders have been combing the earth determining best places to host some pre 2061 celebrations as well as identify potential viewing spots for the next coming of Halley's...
About me.
Life Events Blog Posts
Juergen R. Schreiter is an extreme sport personality for many years and master networker and entrepreneur – A humanitarian full of charisma and compassion. Juergen is a freelance consultant for social media and used his business network connections to launch his German-based travel platform.
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Abzocke über Mobilfunkrechnung
16. Juni 2016 - Die Abzocke über angeblich in Anspruch genommene Leistungen der Firma My Doo c/o Legion Telekommunikation GmbH geht weiter. Wie der Presse und auch den sozialen Netzwerken zu entnehmen ist kennt die Firma My Doo (Legion Telekommunikation GmbH) kein...
IMEXrun 2016 – Wonderful 5k city run
New record at IMEXrun - IMEXrun doubles in size to 800 registered participants After two sold-out 2015 editions in Frankfurt and Las Vegas, the IMEXrun was back in Frankfurt and now twice the size, bringing with it opportunities to accelerate business via networking...
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Youtube Marketing – MICEmedia online for tourism industry
Youtube Marketing – MICEmedia-online.biz YouTube channel advertising Reach your global target group with www.MICEmedia-online.biz Meeting planners and decision makers around the globe and upload your own company clip here. A professional clip can bring your business...
Stock Photography – Travel Photos and more
Stock Photography - Travel Photos and more | www.EASTmedia-online.biz Welcome to EASTmedia-online.biz we provide you with the best quality stock photography at the most affordable prices. Check out the categories to the left or use the above search box to search for...
Frankfurt Stadtgeschenke
Unter dem Frankfurter Design Label "Bembeltown Design and more..." entwickelt und vertreibt Jürgen Schreiter exklusive Frankfurt und Hessen Souvenirs rund um die Main Metropole und den Bembel. So reicht das Sortiment von Silberschmuck, Manschettenknöpfen über...