Weintester – Weine der D.O. Rueda

Jürgen Schreiter ist einer der aktuellen Weintester für Weine der D.O. Rueda. Rueda (Herkunftsbezeichnung) ist ein Weinbaugebiet in Spanien. Es liegt in Kastilien zwischen den Rotweingebieten Ribera del Duero und Toro und reicht im Norden bis zum Duero. Rueda ist...

My Charity and Aid Projects

My Charity and Aid Projects Currently I support the following projects and organisations when ever I visit, usually once a year. Some regions I visit more often and especially for the Philippines I plan to do much more in furture, together with a couple of friends and...

Vodka Train Merchandising

VODKA TRAIN MERCHANDISING | VODKA TRAIN FAN SHOP If you have traveled already the Trans-Siberian Railway from Moscow to Beijing or you simply love Soviet style items… Here is the Merchandising shop for you. The original Vodka Train Merchandising Shop offers it...

Vodka Train Travel

The Trans-Siberian Train also known as “The Vodka Train”. Enjoy an unforgetable trip with the Trans-Sib-Train along one of the longest railways of the world, following the footprints of Alexander von Humboldt. approx. 20-day trip from Moscow to Beijing on...

Bizarre Foods – Part II Hárkarl

Bizarre Foods with Juergen R. Schreiter My own “Bizarre Foods” is a travel and food blog hosted by Juergen Schreiter on www.JuergenSchreiter.com Hákarl aka Rotten Shark Meat Crazy Icelanders eat fermented, ammonia filled, rotten, shark meat. Once you smell...

Bizarre Foods – Part I Balut

Bizarre Foods with Juergen R. Schreiter My own “Bizarre Foods” is a travel and food blog hosted by Juergen Schreiter on www.JuergenSchreiter.com This first session is about a Asian speciality called Balut. Watch my Balut experience here: If you try Balut...